Family Foster Care

This is what is usually meant when the term "foster care" is used. Family foster care in most cases involves taking in a child who is not a part of your own family, on either a short or long term basis, until they either return to their birth family, move on to another foster home or other setting, are adopted, or turn 18.




"TFC" is similar to Family Foster Care, except that it involves taking in a child who exhibits more severe behaviors and has some kind of counseling, treatment, or other additional support system in place.



Caring for a child who has medical needs. These needs can range from minor, such as taking a regular medication, to more intensive, if the child is wheelchair-bound, or on specialized breathing equipment.


Kinship Care

This involves taking in a child who is a part of your family or whom you know in some other way. Unlike with Family Foster Care, a kinship home is identified by the county or other referring agency, and then must choose which foster care agency (such as Children's Choice) they want to work with.

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Adoption & Permanency 

When you adopt a child into your life, it is a bond that you establish forever. You are taking the responsibilities, challenges, and benefits of caring for that child upon yourself and your loved ones. Your lives will be greatly affected by this wonderful decision!

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Post-Permanency Services

If you have finalized an adoption or PLC in the past, and are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or lacking resources, you are not alone! Children's Choice, Inc. offers Post-Permanency Services to Pennsylvania families in order to ensure that they are provided the support needed following the finalization of an adoption or PLC. These services are made available by the Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN), in order to encourage positive lifelong experiences for families. 

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Grandma's House

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Our specialized, intensive parent empowerment program offers the hands on support and guidance of parenting professionals who work with parents on their parenting goals in a comfortable, structured, & supervised environment. Grandma's House features several restorative and educations practices:

  • Visits with their children in a home setting where they can take care of their child’s daily needs.
  • The opportunity to cook for their children and interact through positive play & encouragement.
  • Participation in bedtime & bath rituals for their children.
  • The ability to maintain a parental role in their child’s life.
  • A space to learn and practice new skills and behaviors.