Employee Spotlight: Paige Ryan


Children's Choice as many incredible employees, people who make Children's Choice what it is, not only by what they do but in the way that they do it. Employees spotlight is a way for them to tell you a little bit about themselves.

Paige has recently been promoted to PC of Foster Care for Children’s Choice of Delaware starting on April 11th, 2022. 


Why did you choose social Services as a career?

I chose social services as a career following years of volunteering in various capacities. I realized that I loved giving back to the community and serving others and if there was an opportunity to do that as a career then I wanted to follow that path.


Why did you choose Children’s Choice to apply to? 

When job searching, it was important to me to try to sense the agency or company culture of each place I applied. When I saw Children’s Choice, I went to the website and read the core values and felt that they each aligned with my personal values, especially “to be committed to serve” and “to be agents of faith”.


At what point did you know that you wanted to become a supervisor at Children’s Choice?

I realized I wanted to be a supervisor with Children’s Choice when I felt I had an understanding of the job and I wanted to share that with others. I knew that my PC and SD believed in me which gave me confidence to share my knowledge. After graduating with my master’s degree, I felt equipped and ready to move toward a supervisory role.


Was there a defining moment (positive or negative) in your career to this point?

My defining moment was when I graduated with my master’s degree. My PC and SD not only encouraged me and empowered me to go back to school but equipped me with the skills I needed to excel both academically and professionally. Upon graduation, they fostered my desire to move into a supervisory role and supported me throughout.


What was that thing that you struggle with as a new employee to the agency or in your position? I struggled with wanting to change others and make choices for them. I had to remind myself often that the only thing I can control is myself. We often see individual’s making decisions that we do not personally agree with and feel that we could have made a better choice, but in respecting their right to choose, we offer them knowledge and allow them to do with it what they will while supporting them throughout.


Is there something that a new staff member should avoid when joining Children’s Choice?

I think it is important to avoid taking comments made by clients personally. We work in an emotionally heightened field and comments made toward us are not usually personal but sometimes we are the only consistent face our clients and children are seeing regularly, and they feel safe expressing their feelings toward us. I would also avoid negativity, both in the office and the field. It is easy to get caught up in negative conversation but when you offer a strengths-based perspective both internally and with other agency workers and systems, it makes a world of difference.


What advice would you give to a new staff member?

I would encourage all new staff to take the time to learn the job. It does not come overnight nor does anything worth learning. I would also tell new staff to spend time getting to know their coworkers and PCs during fun days and agency events. Your coworkers and PCs can be your greatest support and joy to you on days when it is needed.


Do you have a favorite quote or Bible verse that you like?

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 NKJV


Anything else that you would like to add to the section?  

Just like in life, you will get out of this job what you put into it. With a desire to make change and grow here, you will.


Paige Ryan, MSW

Family Interventionist 2nd in Command

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